Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar, Day 14: Mouse Droid

Here are some forms of inter-office communication one might encounter in real life or fiction:

Business: email
Junior high: 5th-period student assistant
University: courier
Mansion: intercom
Star Trek: communicators
Ministry of Magic: paper airplanes
Star Wars: mouse droid

The mouse droid wasn't just for carrying notes around spacecraft though: according to Wookiepedia, it could also be used for sanitation, security (mostly as an alert system, I'm guessing), and navigating troops through Imperial ships to wherever they were needed. Direct quote from Wookiepedia: "Their use was only limited by their owner's creativity."

And here I thought they were just there to feed the cat droids. :o)

You can see mouse droids in Episodes III, IV, V, and VI.

Mouse Droid:

Lego Mouse Droid:


Mr.Nono said...

Hahaha merci bien, ça faisait un petit moment que je cherchais ^^

Joyeul noël à toi aussi !!!!

sirenhound said...

I've been doing the exact same thing on my Facebook page (except I'm just taking photos and posting a link to the relevant wookieepedia article), great minds think alike huh?

Betty Edit said...

@sirenhound: Yeah, that's awesome.

@Mr.Nono: Merci beaucoup, Mr. Nono, et joyeux noël à toi aussi!

Thank you, everyone, for your kind words. :o)