Friday, February 5, 2010


I just killed my first spider of the year, which got me thinking about spiders. I really love spiders… if they're in the wild and/or in no danger of touching me. In fact, one year in high school, I walked past a certain tree every day just to see how my big red spider was doing. But if a spider's in the house, the car, or indoors, it's not ok. I will kill it.

I'm kind of paranoid, actually, about bugs, and particularly spiders. There are certain places I am careful to look, in case any small arachnids are lurking:

1. The ceiling. A common place for spiders. If I notice a spot on a ceiling, I immediately check to see whether it's a spider or just a spot.

2. The bathtub. There's nothing like being wet and naked and realizing you need to smash a spider. Ick.

3. The toilet. When I was in fifth grade there was a spider hiding under the rim of the bowl at school; I saw it when I flushed the toilet. The thought of that spider haunted me—can you imagine if he had… *shudder*

4. My razor. Yes, once there was a spider on my razor, and I didn't notice until I saw the little (shaved-off) legs poking out from the blade.

5. The bathroom in general. Once, I was bent over drying off after a shower, and a spider landed on my back. I'm pretty sure I made some frantic noises and scrabbled at my back until I got it off.

6. Flippers. When I was little there was a black widow that built its nest and laid its egg sac in one of our flippers for the pool. I'm really glad I looked in that flipper before putting it on my foot.

7. Behind posters. One year I was away at girl's camp on my birthday, and my friends decorated my room while I was gone. When I took down one of the posters they'd put up, the most enormous, ugly, beetle-like spider crawled out and scared the knickers off me. I don't like those kinds of surprises.

8. The garage. Anywhere in the garage, really. Even in the boxes in the garage.

9. In glasses. This is why I store my glasses and cups upside down—I do NOT want to pour milk into the cup and find a dead spider at the bottom when I'm done.

The good news is that Anya likes to chase and eat spiders—and it's strangely pleasing for me to watch her crunch into them. The bad news is that she's not actually that great of a spider hunter (heck, she's not all that great of a cheese hunter, and cheese can't even run away), so I have to supervise to make sure one or the other of us actually finishes off the spider.

Where have you encountered spiders?


Schmath said...

There was one on my lufa the other day! I'm scared to use it. What if it crawled deeper inside or laid eggs in there?

Becca said...

I feel the same way about spiders. They can stay outside where they live, but no invasions into my territory allowed.

Once I was reading in bed at night and a huge HUGE spider crawled up the side and onto the comforter near my feet. I was petrified, but made enough noise so my husband woke up and got it for me. I've never felt really safe in bed since.

And now neither will you. :)

elegyrl said...

I've pretty much encountered spiders mostly everywhere but they don't bother me as much.... the only time I am really bothered is when it's a black widow for obvious reasons. Although I am pretty sure I wouldn't want to find a tarantuala crawling on me or hiding behind a door or somewhere unexpected!

elegyrl said...

I've pretty much encountered spiders mostly everywhere but they don't bother me as much.... the only time I am really bothered is when it's a black widow for obvious reasons. Although I am pretty sure I wouldn't want to find a tarantuala crawling on me or hiding behind a door or somewhere unexpected!

ol' Bob said...

Do we learn our fear of spiders -- those of us who are bothered by the beasts -- or is it built into our nature?

Heather Dixon said...

This post is the stuff of nightmares! #4? AAAAAH!!

ol' Bob said...

Spiders indoors deserve a quick death. I might make an exception for a spider with unusual coloration and let it go outside.

Outdoor spiders are quite fascinating, but I still have no interest in getting too close or touching one.