THere are frequently red days but they don't always anounce them as much as they should! I guess even though the day has pased I shall hold me breath to make sure I am safe! :)
The earth is not round But faceted: Fixed together by trillions Of hedrons—a trillihedron— So that nowhere that you stand is Infinite but flat-set, junctioned On each side by Other faceted hedrons— Like people, as a singular Don’t exist except As trillihedrons.
How come there are no red burn days in California? Or do they have them, and I'm just ignorant?
You're quite into colors, lately, Betty.
I guess California is just always so smoggy they don't feel it's worth it when they have fires? :o)
Olive, that's because you have opened my eyes to the infinite possibilites of the world of colors. Or something.
THere are frequently red days but they don't always anounce them as much as they should! I guess even though the day has pased I shall hold me breath to make sure I am safe! :)
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