Sunday, October 30, 2011


This year I carved a jack-o-lantern. I haven't carved a pumpkin since 2006, so it was pretty gratifying. Don't you love all those goopy guts dangling from your fingers? I tried to think of something clever to carve, but I couldn't think of anything clever enough, so I just went with traditional evil.

Here's what my pumpkin looks like in the light (yes, those are my Lego sets behind him):

Here's what he looks like in the dark:

I guess he could kind of be a Voldemort pumpkin, eh? He's got the nose, at least. :o)

Unfortunately, I'm not really going to be home tomorrow during trick-or-treat time, so I'm thinking I'll just leave him lit up on the porch and hope the candle lasts until nightfall (it's a big fat candle).


Heather Dixon said...

That looks fabulous!!

(Are you going to cook the seeds?)

Betty Edit said...

The seeds are in the trash... so, no.

However, I also bought a sugar pumpkin, and that one I am planning on using for a pie, and I will keep those seeds.